Head Office
Future Fibres Rigging Systems S.L.
C/ Dels Fusters 17,
46290 Alcàsser,
+34 961 452 135
Manufacturing facilities
Future Fibres Lanka PVT LTD
Lot 51, BEPZ, Phase 1,
Walgama, Malwana GQ 11670
Sri Lanka
Lot 51, BEPZ, Phase 1,
Walgama, Malwana GQ 11670
Sri Lanka

Richard Adams
Business Development Director
[email protected]
+49 173 708 4768
Customer Care
Yachting Rigging Distributors
RigPro Europe
Edificio Global, STP, Muelle Viejo
07012 Palma de Mallorca,
Baleares, SPAIN
RigPro Italy
RSB RigPro
STP Boatyard,Edificio Global,
Espigon Exterior,S/N,
Local nº 8, Oficina 24, Muelle Viejo,
07012 Palma de Mallorca, Baleares, Spain.
[email protected]
IROISE Rigging
Marine Results
Nautor Swan Global Service
Moll de Quimet Costa 1-10,
Port de Badalona, Badalona,
Barcelona, 08912, Spain
Rigging Projects
Riverside House, Brunel Road,
Totton, Southampton,
SO40 3WX, United Kingdom
Sydney Rigging Specialist
Marine Rigging Services
Voices of Success
The important thing for us is to use the best products in the world and to put a package together for a yacht, which will ultimately improve performance. The AEROsix product was the way to go for this yacht.
Gregory Monks
Owners Representative MM597
During my two Vendée Globe races, the lateral rigging of my IMOCAs was provided by Future Fibres. I always sailed with complete confidence thanks to the reliability of their equipment. A huge thank you to the entire Future Fibres team for their expertise, professionalism, and commitment.
Charlie Dalin
Vendee Globe Winner 2025
The relationship we have with the company is excellent, thanks to many years working together and developing products together.
Perdo Rossi
Boat Captain, Azzura
The Super Series is cutting edge monohull racing and it’s a real showcase for the highest level of the Future Fibre products with Razr Rigging onboard and AeroSix as well.
Pete Cumming
Trimmer, Gladiator